Five can’t-miss epigenetics conferences for the second half of 2024

Palm Springs, California. Photo by Cody Board on Unsplash.

EpiCypher had an exciting first half of 2024 – including the release of our improved CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit Version 2.0 and the all-new CUTANA™ Quick Cleanup DNA Purification Kit. Behind-the-scenes our scientists have been busy attending several conferences, including Keystone Symposia, AGBT, and AACR, to present our latest R&D and learn about advancements in chromatin biology. Below, find five conferences we are looking forward to attending in the second half of 2024, and don’t forget to check out our full list of chromatin biology conferences here!

  1. 55th Annual Meeting of the EMGS

    Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)

    Dates: September 7 – 11, 2024

    Location: Palm Springs, California, United States

    Organizers: Stephanie Smith-Roe, Dan Roberts, Ryan Barnes

    Keynote Speakers: Philip C. Hanawalt, Ting Wang, Wei Yang, Qi Chen

    Held in iconic Palm Springs, the EMGS Annual Meeting brings together scientists from industry, academia, government, and regulatory agencies to discuss the latest research in environmental mutagenesis. This year looks particularly exciting with sessions focusing on applying epigenetics to environmental health and toxicology research, heritable epigenetic effects, and epigenetic changes following toxicant exposure. Register by July 15 for early bird pricing; late breaking abstracts are due by August 15!

  2. Epigenetics & Chromatin

    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL)

    Dates: September 17 – 21, 2024

    Location: Cold Spring Harbor, New York, United States

    Organizers: Karen Adelman, Anja Groth, Bing Ren

    Keynote Speakers: Asifa Akhtar, Kristian Helin

    Meet the leaders in chromatin biology at CSHL’s seventh meeting on epigenetics and chromatin. This meeting is jam-packed with sessions on everything from chromatin structure to epigenetics in development and disease. Don’t delay – abstracts and registration are open now through June 28.

  3. Transcriptional regulation by chromatin and RNA polymerase

    American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

    Dates: September 26 – 30, 2024

    Location: Alexandria, Virginia, United States

    Organizers: W. Lee Kraus, Y. Jessie Zhang, Dylan J. Taatjes

    Keynote Speakers: Karolin Luger, Mike Levine

    Cross-talk between RNA polymerase and chromatin biology is an exciting area of research, making this ASBMB meeting one you don’t want to miss. Bryan Venters, PhD – EpiCypher’s Senior Director of Genomic Technologies – will be speaking, providing a sneak-peek into our R&D efforts in this area. Abstracts will be accepted until June 10 with registration ending August 26.

    Amsterdam by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash .

  4. AIChE 7th International Conference on Epigenetics and Bioengineering

    American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

    Dates: October 3 – 5, 2024

    Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Organizing Committee Chairs: Nate Hathaway, Karmella Haynes, Pernette Verschure

    Featured Speakers: Wendy Bickmore, Angelo Lombardo, Lei Stanley Qi

    A truly interdisciplinary conference, this meeting brings together scientists from biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering to exchange ideas on new tools and methodologies to better understand epigenetics. Don’t miss your opportunity explore the canals of Amsterdam while learning the latest in this collaborative field – submit your abstract by August 9!

    Denver skyline by Cassie Gallegos at Unsplash.

  5. ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting

    American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)

    Dates: November 5 – 9, 2024

    Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

    Committee Chair: Beth Sullivan

    From clinicians to basic researchers and industry scientists, the ASHG 2024 Annual Meeting will have something for everyone. Submit your abstract by June 5 to discover new technologies, applications, and research in genetics and genomics with 15 plenary talks, 16 symposia, and over 3,000 posters.

    Visit EpiCypher at Booth 159 while you’re there!

    We hope to see you at an upcoming meeting! Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn or sign up below for updates.