
Nucleosome Assembly 601 Sequence DNA

SKU: 18-0006
Pack size: 50 μg


Nucleosome Assembly 601 Sequence DNA is a 147 base-pair double-stranded DNA fragment that was identified by Lowary and Widom using the SELEX method [1]. The 601 sequence DNA has high affinity for histone octamers and is useful for in vitro nucleosome assembly.

Validation Data

Figure 1: DNA Gel Data
Nucleosome Assembly 601 Sequence DNA (75 ng) resolved via native PAGE gel and stained with ethidium bromide to visualize DNA. Migration positions of DNA molecular weight markers are indicated.

Technical Information

50 µg lyophilyzed 601 sequence DNA.
Storage and Stability
Stable for 2 years at -20°C from date of receipt. After resuspending, aliquots should be stored at -80°C.

Application Notes

Nucleosome Assembly 601 Sequence DNA is useful for assembly of nucleosomes using purified or recombinant histone octamers (Catalog No. 16-0001).


Background References:
[1] Lowary & Widom J. Mol. Biol. (1998). PMID: 9514715

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